The Christmas Princess is an unforgettable holiday classic tale, told by Mariah Carey herself alongside Michaela Angela Davis and featuring beautiful illustrations by Fuuji Takashi.
The Queen of Christmas introduces . . . Little Mariah!
There was one time unlike any other,
when everyone pitched in and helped one another . . .
Mariah Carey, adored by fans around the world, has brought forth a unique, heartwarming, and modern fairy tale with The Christmas Princess, starring Little Mariah! Like her record-breaking, globally adored song "All I Want for Christmas Is You," this story is an instant and inclusive family holiday classic. While firmly placed in the tradition of Christmas storytelling, The Christmas Princess is infused with her one-of-a-kind festive Mariah magic and musicality.
Little Mariah doesn't have much and doesn't want a lot, but there is just one thing she longs for: a peaceful and joyous holiday season. Feeling outcast and alone, Little Mariah sets off on a wintry, wondrous journey, ultimately discovering the healing power of her voice to spread the spirit of Christmas at home and all around the world.
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