The bestselling, powerful guide to help parents regain control over a defiant child or teenager, now revised and updated.
Occasional clashes between parents and kids are not uncommon, but when behavior like tantrums, resistance to requests, and negativity becomes chronic, it can cause big problems. In 10 Days to a Less Defiant Child, psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Bernstein shares his groundbreaking program to help parents reduce conflict and end upsetting behaviors.Updated to address challenges that today's parents face, this go-to guide includes new information on the rise of defiant behavior due to negative Internet influences and social media pressures, and the effects of stress on family life. Dr. Bernstein explains what causes defiance in kids, teens, and even adult children, why it's so destructive to the family, and shows parents step-by-step how they can end the behavior—at home, at school, and everywhere in between. His proven ten-day strategies include: